Monday, August 12, 2013

Day 3 - August 12, 2013

Kamsack, SK to Regina, SK  360km

It is hard to believe the amount of gravel roads in Provence of  Saskatchewan even major highways have major construction projects during the Summer.

Had breakfast in the local bakery and cafe in Kamsack, SK, it is great why to find out what is happening in Kamsack.  Lot of talk about land (farm) costs etc, the 100 acre farm is $1 million now, but the area is busy so farming is paying, for some anyway.

Checked with VIA Rail on the status of #692 and was told it was an hour late, but when it showed up by surprise on-time, it has got to be that Saskatchewan is on standard time or VIA can't track trains in remote Canada, strange CN dispatchers in Edmonton know where #692 is.  Anyway got some nice video and photos.

VIA #692 at Kamsack, SK at speed (40mph)

Continued on West to Canora on the CN Togo Sub, and the famous Assiniboine Jct, which is the starting point of the line to Churchill, MB.
CN Canora, SK 

CN Canora, SK - Assiniboine JCT.

Next stop is Yorkton, SK on the CPR line to Saskatoon, but just to the West of Yorkton is another Pinetree Line Radar site. This site is now a Youth Detention Centre, so a lot of the buildings have be converted to other uses, but there were the signs of the old base.
CFS Yorkton, SK - the base church, now part of a Youth Jail.

There is also a very interesting museum in Yorkton, covering the history of the development of the Provence. 

A Wheat Harvester from the early 1940's

On to Ituna, SK and the CN main line between Winnipeg and Edmonton, so it should be busy, well it is not, saw one W/B Train, that was it.  
Ituna, SK Elevator, not in service

CN Ituna, SK - W/B Freight

So I made the decision to head South to Regina and the CP line, there have got to be trains somewhere in Canada, or do they all run at night ??  Not the case I heard the CN Dispatcher talking to one Forman working the Togo Sub out of Kamsak, the comment "you will not have any trains except the VIA".
In Fort Qu'Appelle, SK, the old Hudson Bay Store in town. (Fixed up but original building)

Overnight in Regina at a brand new Best Western on the Eastside of Regina on the Trans Canada.

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